Who I Help
Some example profiles:

Young professionals
Helping purpose-driven recent graduates orient, navigate and succeed in the wide-world through:
​Professional development:
Competency development and skills-mapping
- Helpful frameworks to apply in professional environments
Productivity tools and tips
Meaningful goal setting and career mapping
Impactful communications and relationships
Difficult interpersonal dynamics
Mentoring and lessons from my professional career
Personal development:
Habit setting and routines
Relationship to productivity
Relationship to 'work-life-balance' and purpose
Emotional wellbeing:
Managing uncertainty
Dealing with ambiguity
Imposter syndrome and confidence
Workplace culture, levelling up and 'progress' conception
Social enterprise entrepreneurs
How I help charity founders and researchers:
​Professional development:
Mentorship and support on common start-up based challenges such as growth challenges, people operations, culture, path to impact, vision, values and measurement
- Defining and mobilising strategic and operational priorities using consulting frameworks
Exploring the charity problem statement and approach to launch e.g. hypothesis testing, data analysis, research, agile principles and helpful management techniques
Bridging the skills gap between yourself and the needs of the charity problem statement, using skill and competencies frameworks such the Knowdell skills matrix
Mapping to common start-up challenges and scenario planning against the failure modes
Personal and interpersonal development:
Uncovering and navigating difficult cruxes in new or established cofounder relationships
Working through emotional and cognitive limits that start-up tensions can likely surface
Introspective work relevant to the challenge of being a founder of a charity e.g.: More surface-level domains around self-awareness, motives, resilience limitations etc.
Deeper domains could be around difficult values, beliefs, narratives and mindsets that are accentuated when in a high-intensity role as a co-founder and 'out of comfort zone' (i.e. VUCA factors, high-pressure/pace/stakes). Pathways can include emotional coherence on such topics/scenarios and working through the symptoms (such as excessive anxiety, and stress) to their root causes/hidden emotional beliefs

AI Safety Professionals
Helping AI safety researchers, analysts, and managers to navigate an emerging, fast-changing and unchartered territory by:
Overcoming domain-specific challenges such as:
Long feedback loops
Short timelines
High uncertainty
Working with VUCA factors
Managing difficult emotions and existential feelings
Productivity management
Communication of key ideas
Purpose, values and life outlook